Why do some footballers get injured more frequently than others?

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Sometimes we see certain footballers who seem to never get injured.

On the other hand, there are others that seem to constantly struggle with injuries. Some things that can have an effect on this include:

  • being in good shape;
  • playing style and position;
  • age;
  • and training regimes.

The 1st factor is related to being in proper shape. This can happen if, for example, they miss 2 things: workouts and fitness routines. The best-prepared footballers can be wagered at the secure sports online betting 1xBet platform. In this regard, footballers who aren’t on top of their physical game are more likely to get sidelined.

Style, positions and history

In 2nd place, we can say that 2 other factors that matter a lot are playing styles and positions. For example, attackers and players in certain positions face more challenges and tackles, making them more injury-prone. Playing styles matter, and positions with more action tend to have higher risks.

History is the 3rd major factor. Sometimes, players who have a history of injuries may not totally recover prior to returning to action. If that’s the case, a certain part will be prone to be re-injured again. Many players make great returns from injuries, and when that happens, visit the great 1xBet website to wager on them.

Handling all kinds of demands

A 4th player in all of this is age. Younger players might bounce back quicker, but as you get older, recovery time increases. It’s like the body needs a bit more TLC, and injuries might stick around longer.

In 5th place there is intensity. Imagine going through intense training sessions day in and day out. It’s like pushing your body to the limit constantly. If there’s no proper rest or the schedule is jam-packed with matches, fatigue sets in, making injuries more likely. It’s like running on empty for too long. The money line bets from 1xBet can also be made on all kinds of players too.

Having a top medical team is a 6th huge factor too. Clubs with great medical support can catch and prevent injuries early on. But for some players at clubs without these resources, things can become more difficult.

Finally, in 7th place, we should say that lifestyle plays a role. Imagine not fueling your body right or not getting enough rest. That will certainly take its toll.

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